A Near Death Experience: 360 Rollover
Before the car accident that almost killed me, I used to love taking long distance road trips across the country. I still enjoy traveling, but I will never again be able to drive down the highway without remembering how I almost died in a vehicle rollover accident.

A rollover that changed one person’s life – read the story below.
My Accident
I was returning from a business trip, and was driving my SUV around a bend in the road. Another car, which was driving much too fast, came up on my right and side-swiped me, sending my car flipping over into the ravine by my side. I think my SUV completed two full 360 degree turns. The only thing I remember thinking is that I was glad that my wife and kids weren’t with me in the car, and then I lost consciousness.
My Recovery
Although I was lucky to even be alive, my injuries were still pretty extensive and I was in a lot of pain. I had to be airlifted to a hospital, and I barely remember the flight. In the accident, I had suffered a concussion, shattered several ribs, and was bleeding internally. I was in and out of consciousness for a few days, while my wife and two kids prayed that I would survive. I had insurance, but my helicopter evacuation was not covered. When I got the bill for that service after I had returned home from the hospital, I panicked. I was worried about money, and I was still dealing with a long and painful recovery. For a few days, I was too depressed to go to physical therapy or do anything. I started thinking that maybe it would have been better for my family if I had not survived the car accident.
Getting Legal Help
Fortunately, I had plenty of support during these dark days. My wife helped me find a lawyer you made sure that the idiot who caused the accident paid for my medical bills. Knowing that I had a reputable, honest legal representative on my side made a world of difference. I started to have a bit more hope for the future. I like to tell my layer that he saved my life while the doctors just patched me up.
Life After My Near Death Experience
I don’t think that you can walk away from a near death experience unchanged. I am not the same person I was before the accident in a lot of ways. Most of these changes are positive. I might not enjoy driving as much as I used to, but I certainly value my life and family more. I try to treasure each moment I spend with my family and the scars from my accident are a reminder to keep small inconveniences in perspective.
Guest blogger Peter Wendt is a freelance article writer residing in the Austin TX area. He conducts many interviews and has hear about many near-death personal stories. Peter understands how difficult accidents can be and suggests seeking help from an Austin car injury attorney.