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Top 10 Exhaust Videos of August 2010

Top 10 exhaust videos of August 2010
The most popular exhaust videos of August, 2010. Read moreRead more


How Banks Does Engine Balancing

Recommended Reading: Performance Diesel Engine Balancing

Banks is a big-time name in the world of diesel truck performance, mostly because of the things they do to a diesel pickup’s stock turbo system and engine management system.

For example: Adding a Banks “Six Gun” tuner to your stock Ram Cummins adds about 130hp and 290 lb-ft of torque. That’s outrageously awesome when you compare that level of performance enhancement to your typical gas motor tuner that *might* add 50 hp.

While Banks engine computer tuners, air intakes, and exhaust systems get lots of press, this article talks about the importance of running a balanced engine. Some key points:

  • As engine components get lighter, balancing becomes more important AND more difficult (an extra gram or two means a lot more percentage wise than it used to)
  • Drilling a hole in the crankshaft and then inserting a heavy slug into that hole is a popular crank balancing method, something I never conceived of.

From Banks:

Balancing an engine allows it to run smoother, get better mileage, and last longer. But how is it done? The experts at Banks Balancing Service (BBS) took a moment out of their busy schedule to show us the procedure and answer our questions. Read the full article…


Top 10 Exhaust Videos of July 2010

Most popular exhaust videos of July 2010

The most popular exhaust videos of July, 2010. Read moreRead more


Top 10 Exhaust Videos of June 2010

Most popular exhaust videos of June 2010

The most popular exhaust videos of June, 2010. Read moreRead more


Top 10 Exhaust Videos of May 2010

Top 10 Exhaust Videos of May, 2010

The most popular exhaust videos of May, 2010. Read moreRead more

May Is Live!

Hopefully, this is the beginning of a great project. It’s my hope that becomes THE destination for anyone considering an after-market exhaust system for their car, truck, or SUV.

While we’re just getting started building this site, I want everyone to know that we’re trying to build a website that will become a RESOURCE. If anyone has a question, we want to try and provide the answer.

Keep checking back – we’re going to begin adding a lot of videos very soon, not to mention fixing the look of the site, adding some good advice and articles, and finding some advertisers to help us sponsor this thing :-).

Thanks for visiting.

Jason Lancaster

Founder of